A Transformational One-Time Event Chronicling the Ancient History of the Sacred Feminine and How You can Rise as a Feminine Leader of a New time.





Feel the calling deep within you?

To heal the wounds of your feminine ancestors that still live within you?

To use your gifts to guide others towards a healing and spiritual awakening?

Ready to become the catalyst for positive global change?

In this special 2-hour workshop:

You will be guided through the ancient history of the feminine, the rise of the patriarchy, and learn how YOU can actively heal ancestral trauma and trust in your spiritual gifts to rise as a healer, leader, and sacred space holder for these changing times!


Women need to learn history to make history

That is why are HONORED to announce Anne Baring, 89-year old historian, author, and Divine feminine pioneer is taking us on a rare and special deep dive into our ancient feminine history so we can integrate this sacred knowledge and carry it forth into our lives.

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Anne Baring

is one of the great pioneers on the Divine Feminine of our time. She is an Oxford historian, Jungian analyst, author of profound books, The Myth of the Goddess, and Dream of the Cosmos a Quest for the Soul. She has paved the way for all of us, and at her 89 years know we have to birth a new world and create global change to save ourselves. The ground of all her work is a deep interest in the spiritual, mythological, shamanic, and artistic traditions of different cultures.

In Birthing a New World, You Will Learn: 


  • Learn all about the descent of the Goddess and the rise of a patriarchal god and it’s fundamental impact on the human psyche, culture, and our natural world.

  • Explore ways to recover the sacred feminine and the lost dimension of the soul.

  • Understand how to free your power and trust in your feminine gifts

  • Reveal the key role of women’s circle in birthing a new world.

    Plus… learn the 3 keys for facilitating healing and transformation within a women’s circle.


A bit about the History… 

Thousands of years ago, consciousness emerged with the idea of a patriarchal God. Through this came the suppression and shaming of the Goddess, and we became disconnected from Spirit, our natural world, and the inherent gifts in our bodies. This era led to 4,000 years of feminine oppression and exploitation of our Mother Earth.

This shift from feminine consciousness and Goddess worship (lunar era) to masculine consciousness (solar era) made a massive impact on our human evolution. We advanced in many ways but also lost touch with the soul of nature and the cosmos.

Now it is time for feminine consciousness to reemerge within both men and women so we can heal from the trauma of the solar era, and birth a new era (stellar).

Women must take the lead and usher in and give birth to this new era, but how?

We have had thousands of years of programming and trauma that have led us to mistrust our feminine gifts.

In this special 2-hour workshop you will be guided through the history of the feminine, the rise of the patriarchy, and learn how we can actively heal ancestral trauma, rise as healers, leaders, and sacred space holders.

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About Global Sisterhood Founders: Lauren Walsh & Shaina Conners

On a mission to help the feminine rise in the world. Our vision is to see us all rise up as new paradigm feminine leaders… and co-create a more balanced, just, and harmonious world for all.

As the co-founders of Global Sisterhood, we care deeply about transforming the systems, beliefs, and structures that create division in our world. We believe that for positive transformation to occur, we must do inner work to transform our wounds, limiting beliefs, and negative patterns that our society has imprinted within our collective subconscious.

Are you ready to dive in?

