7 Steps to Turn Triggers into Freedom

Let’s talk about “triggers”.

Because it seems everywhere we turn, there are people or collective groups of people, that are getting triggered about one thing or another.

So what is a trigger?

A trigger is something that sets off a feeling or memory correlated to a trauma of the past, even if the trauma is unconscious.

Why are so many people being triggered these days?

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The Ancient Roots of Judeo-Christian Sexual Prohibitions:

The roots of the Judeo-Christian sexual prohibitions, as well as the sexual prohibitions of religions such as lslam, spring from ancient Jewish tribal law.

During early times wives were considered 'property" and laws were specifically codified to protect three things: livestock, wives, and dwellings an order or importance that seems clear in Jewish law.

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4 Steps to Trusting Your Intuition and Getting the Answers You Seek

Taking time to slow down to receive your inner guidance is essential to navigating through life’s challenges and co-creating your life with the power of the Universe.

Are you feeling stressed about a decision, relationship, or what comes next in your life? Below is a process to help you get the answers you seek. You will need to reserve 20 mins.

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