Masculine and Feminine Energy
Artwork Love is Love by Nat Girsberger
There is masculine and feminine energy within you.
These energetic expressions may be balanced and harmonious or they may be in conflict.
If your masculine energy is overpowering your feminine energy, it can manifest as:
Rushing through tasks and not leaving time for self-care
Controlling situations to the point of stress and anxiety instead of being in trust and flow
Only trusting your mind and never trusting your heart, body, or intuition
Working long hours and feeling either drained or wired at the end of the day
If your feminine energy is greater than your masculine energy, it can manifest as:
Being overly-emotional to the point that your emotions take over completely
Neediness, co-dependency, or not trusting your worth or abilities
Inability to focus; being indecisive, scattered, confused, or disorganized
Believing in personal stories of powerlessness or victimization
These are just several examples, and the lists go on and on!
So then -- how do we bring the masculine and feminine into balance?
Evaluate what work needs to be done within yourself to heal your own relationship to the masculine and feminine. Take one step, large or small, that feels authentic to you to bring these polarities into balance within your own life.
Initiate deep, thought-provoking conversations with friends about masculine and feminine energy, with the intention of learning, healing, and creating harmony between these polarities. Journal about it, breathe into it, study yourself.
Speak up against unhealthy stereotypes and generalizations against men, women, and non-binary folk. Watch educational documentaries such as "The Mask You Live In"
Move your body in a dancing meditation to unite these energies within you.