4 Steps to Trusting Your Intuition and Getting the Answers You Seek


Taking time to slow down to receive your inner guidance is essential to navigating through life’s challenges and co-creating your life with the power of the Universe.

Are you feeling stressed about a decision, relationship, or what comes next in your life? Below is a process to help you get the answers you seek. You will need to reserve 20 mins.

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝟏:

Slow down. Breathe in, Breathe out. Focus on feeling your heart and breathing up and down your spine. Feel your feelings, and resist creating stories about what you are feeling. Nothing is good or bad. Let go of thinking that you are doing something wrong or that you are not capable. All feelings, even heavy ones, are good feelings. They are here to teach you. Welcome them with kindness.

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝟐:

Continue to slowly breathe in, and breathe out. Ask your question out loud to the universe, and then still your mind and listen to the silence.

There is a soft voice inside of your heart that has all the answers. Trust in it, even if you can't audibly hear anything. It knows what to do and is connected to your higher self, the Divine in you. Slow down, listen, and learn to trust in the wisdom within you. Your mind will try to distract you or make you doubt, but you are the master of your mind. With compassion, breathe into your heart. Feel and listen. Feel and listen. Feel and listen to silence.

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Remember that you are more than your thoughts. Even if you get distracted, keep coming back to your breath.
Your guidance will come as a feeling, an inner knowing, or a hunch. Still, your thoughts, breathe and trust.

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After 10 mins of this, take out your journal and your pen. Stream of consciousness journal (writing really fast without thinking) for 10 mins. I like to write a letter from the Universe or the Divine to me and allow the wisdom of my heart to channel the messages I seek. To do this, write “Dear ( fill in blank with your first name), and begin to stream of consciousness write from the Universe to yourself. In this letter, the answers will come. You will receive the next steps you need to take to resolve the issue or move you forward.

Please note that sometimes we don’t get answers that are 5 steps ahead of where we are. Even though we often want to know the future, the Universe likes to give us the very next steps we need to take to get to the place we seek. You may simply receive the next instruction for you to follow. As you follow these instructions, your path will unfold with the grace and power of the Universe guiding you.

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