Full moon 101: Everything you need to know about the full moon
Curious about full moon energy? We've got you covered.
Whether you want to do a full moon ritual, charge your crystals, or understand how the moon is connected to women's bodies, read on.
The full moon is a time that has been long known by ancient cultures all over the world to harness a powerful energy. This power can be used for manifestation, meditation, and spiritual practices, as well as romance.
The full moon is a time of celebration, merriment, and traditionally a time of harvest where people would check in on the progress of their crops, including the seeds of the intentions we set on the new moon. It's a great time to reflect on the progress you've made towards your goals, and chart a clearer path to reach them.
The full moon symbolizes feminine gifts in their fullest expression such as creativity, intuition, psychic abilities, and wisdom.
The full moon is incredibly activating -- it illuminates parts of ourselves we weren't aware of before, which can include realizations of what to be grateful for as well as clear, honest reflections that can sometimes be emotional to face. Either way, reflecting, journaling, or meditating on the full moon is sure to bring deeper self-awareness and healing energy.
The full moon amplifies whatever is present in your heart, body, spirit, and mind.
The full moon amplifies whatever is present in your heart, body, spirit, and mind. If you are joyous, you will feel more joy. If you are angry or sad, these emotions may be amplified as well.
The full moon is a powerful time to do a moon ritual, especially in the presence of sisterhood. Gathering with other women in a circle on the full moon is an ancient tradition. Sister Circles help with creating authentic friendships, deep healing, and a truer knowing of one's self.
The full moon is a time when women are considered to be in the height of their power. Because one full lunar cycle is 28 days and a woman's menstruation cycle is typically around 28 days, the full moon is considered to be linked to ovulation. Not only is ovulation a time of physical fertility, it is also a time of spiritual fertility. This means that ovulation is a powerful time for women to manifest, heal, and create whatever we wish to create in our lives. The full moon has the exact same energy... and often, women find that they ovulate ON the full moon, which amplifies this power!
The full moon has been studied to have a powerful affect on humans. Many scientists and health professionals claim that during the full moon, more mental health issues arise, more women give birth, and crime rates increase (the origins of the word "lunacy!"). On top of that, the ocean's tides are affected due to the moon's gravitational pull - and like the ocean, we are mostly water... so just think of the full moon's effects on us!
The full moon is the perfect time to charge your crystals or cleanse any object of negative energy. Simply leave it out overnight -- preferably on the earth -- with a simple intention.
Each full moon's energy is unique, based on what astrological sign it is in. This means that each full moon presents us with the opportunity to heal another aspect of ourselves. For example, a full moon in Scorpio presents us with a potent time to heal our relationship to our sexuality, while the full moon in Taurus is a great time to heal our bodies and manifest financial abundance.
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