Eye of the Storm:
A Ceremony and Living Prayer for Healing, Unification and Well Being in these Times of Evolutionary Transformation.
Hosted with Author, Sarah Drew
Thursday, October 29th @ 1PM EST
During this period on our planet, we are experiencing tremendous change: both societal breakdown and the seeds and forces of evolution, regeneration and renewal.
On the surface the waves may appear rocky, but within this there is a deeper field of interconnectivity, vibrancy and peace, that is ours to access and to embody as women, and as sentient beings.
This is a core wisdom we can access as Sisters in Circle, a point of peace and regeneration for both ourselves and a healing medicine to offer to our larger communities.
Are you ready to Deepen Into the Eye of the Storm?
Join us in circle with beloved author, Sarah Drew, as we come together, united as sisters to heal, pray, love, and deepen a higher field of unity within ourselves and in the world.
We open our hearts for social equality, clean water, nourishing food sources, healthy circumstances for our children and the well-being of all, now and for generations to come.
Sarah Drew will lead us through an inner activation of regeneration, as we move through a portal of death and rebirth, an activated a vibrant field of well being within in ourselves and our world, a prayer for auspicious circumstances for all life now and in the weeks, months and years to come.
This event will be experiential and we ask that you set aside intimate and safe space to partake
.Come join women around the world in opening our hearts, prayer, and commune at this potent evolutionary moment. This is a non-political space. We gather with open hearts and open arms.
Thursday, October 29th @ 1PM EST
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As the visionary author of the eco-feminist novel GAIA CODEX, Sarah Drew is a poet and mystic mythologist who catalyzes powerful blueprints for the future deeply rooted in the gnosis of the past. Sarah has been a featured speaker at the graduate level and at organizations such as Google and ABC Deepak Homebase and she is currently a popular teacher and mentor for women worldwide on topics such as Feminine Wisdom and Evolutionary Culture. Sarah studied Religious Studies at UC Berkeley. A lifelong explorer of culture and consciousness, Sarah has traveled from the jungles of the Amazon to the high peaks of Bhutan where she has had the honor of studying and living with key lineage teachers. Her work expresses a deep curiosity and a polymathic approach to exploring multiple disciplines with a focus on humanity’s evolution, the cultivation of compassion and our multi-generational nurturance of Mother Earth. As a storyteller, she is inspired by regenerative narratives that give us both a deeper understanding of our past and powerful blueprints for the future. Sarah lives with her husband in Manhattan and on a lush forested farm in the Hudson Valley. “What can we do on a daily basis to benefit others, to benefit all Life?”
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