Sacred Sisterhood Pledge,
I pledge to the women of the world…
To cultivate sacred sisterhood, honoring myself, you, and all women.
I will take a stand for our rights, safety, well-being, and equality, ensuring you and I are both treated with kindness and respect.
I will support you in remembering your truth, seeing your gifts, beauty, and wisdom – connecting to your purpose and dreams.
I will value you and support you in valuing yourself through claiming your worth, wisdom, right compensation, self-care, boundaries, and needs.
I will honor that you and I have different ways of living, different beliefs, preferences, values and needs.
I am open to learn from our differences without making either of us wrong or bad.
I will honor and respect the wisdom and value of all phases of age, body shape, health, and abilities.
I will courageously speak up if I see relationship patterns or behaviors that harm your physical, mental, or emotional well-being, while also honoring your timing, journey and choices.
I am open to receive your feedback on my relationship patterns and habits, remaining humble that I may be resistant to seeing the truth, and I will check in with my inner guidance before I act.
I will cherish your secrets and personal shares in sacred confidentiality.
I will not spread gossip, rumors or perpetuate drama, say bad things about you to others, nor bad things about others to you.
I will use my words as a sacred creative tool to connect, protect, inspire, and illuminate.
I will be gentle and respectful when I share my reflections with you about things that don’t feel good to me or meet my needs, boundaries, or desires.
I will do my best to not disconnect, punish, blame, or push you away. When you are sharing your challenges with me I will seek to be fully present, to listen, to ask questions, and to confirm with you how you would like to be supported.
I will tune in with myself to ensure I am available to offer you the support you desire, and will not judge myself if I am not.
I will be courageous when I’m afraid to be vulnerable, I will breathe open my heart when I want to hide or shut down and trust my intuition to guide me how to share in a safe way.To cultivate sacred sisterhood, honoring myself, you, and all women.
I will reach out to you when I need it, accept if you are not available, and remember that I am not alone.
If I feel judgmental or triggered, I will let it reveal to me what wants to be healed in myself, opening to gratitude for the gift of insight and this opportunity to grow.
I give us both permission to be messy, to be in process, in transition, to stumble as we grow, to be wild, passionate, unleashed, and full of life.
I will not use your successes to make me feel small or create distance between us.
I will celebrate them and do my best to support you in living your dreams.
I will recognize the importance of sisterhood and create time in my life to nourish our connection and support you in thriving, knowing we are creating a better world for all together.
I want to live in a world touched by your radiant presence, unique gifts, and soul’s purpose.
I am your sister. I see you, I thank you, I love you.