+ Where does the course take place?
The course takes place online and will be held in our virtual classroom and through our Circle Initiation Facebook group. You can take this course from anywhere you get internet access and we will be dripping out the course content every week for seven weeks. Our virtual course is open to everyone in our global community.
+ Why should I get trained by Global Sisterhood?
For the last five years Global Sisterhood has spearheaded the reemergence of women’s circles. Through our global movement in over 100 countries, women have felt the call to lead in order to transform the feminine imbalance in our world.
If you feel resonate with our messages, you should be trained by us. We believe we should all trust our intuition and this is no exception.
Going through this Intiation will open intense healing passages for you, transformative experiences, and open expansive new views of reality. As a Global Sisterhood we are here to support you during this process, but to also allow you to open up to the guiding inner-voice within each of us.
Global Sisterhood is a movement centered around transformation. We are about going deep, doing healing work, and transforming cultural, familial, and societal wounding so we can rise as new paradigm leaders inspiring growth and awakening wherever we go.
+ I’m not sure I can afford this right now
Our intention with this course is to give you new skill sets that will help you build your business and community in whatever field you are in. We will teach you how to generate income from your course, creating a new stream of revenue around your passion. We feel this is a win-win!
We offer payment plans to lessen the upfront costs.
We have limited scholarships available to women who have shown a commitment to our movement and are located in countries with poor exchange rates with the US dollar. Please email us at support@globalsisterhood.org to get in touch about this opportunity.
+ I'm not sure I'm ready to lead a women’s circle...
That is exactly why we made this course, so no worries! This experience will do SO much more than get you prepared to lead a women circle. It will give you the foundation, confidence, and expertise to go into any setting to be a powerful, grounded, graceful presence that guides energy to empowered outcomes.
+ What is a women’s circle, and why would I want to lead one?
A women’s circle is a gathering for women to feel safe, heard and seen in the presence of sisterhood. It’s an ancient practice that is having a resurgence in modern culture. A circle doesn’t have to look a certain way, it can be an intimate gathering at your house or a larger experience at a yoga studio. Creating a transformational experience is more of an art than a science and we have inspired and taught over 15,000 women this sacred practice.
Leading a women’s circle is a way to step into your power, to leave behind feelings that you aren’t a leader, or that you can’t be seen. Leading a women’s circle is not about being the “best”, or the most informed. Being a facilitator is about being authentic, sitting as equals with other women, and creating a container by being your most-authentic-self for other women to do the same.
+ I have never been to a women’s circle...
This program is for both regular-moon-circle-participants and first-timers! We will share with you everything you’ll need to know to start one. You’ll get to learn from the Founder of Global Sisterhood Lauren Walsh and a network of global facilitators on their biggest learnings, best rituals, songs and meditations, and transformational content.
+ Who is Lauren Walsh?
Hey, I’m Lauren and will be leading you through this Circle Initiation Course.
Growing up, I felt I didn’t belong. I doubted my worth, hated my body, and deeply struggled with relationships. In my early 20’s, I sought healing and deeper meaning by walking a spiritual path. Through this, I found sisterhood -- the type of sisters that are willing to fully see you and go deep with you. This rapidly changed my life.
Since then, I have led women’s circles, coached, and guided transformational experiences for the past 11 years. Global Sisterhood is a reflection of my journey. It exists because millions of women like me are waking up, doing our inner work, and cultivating sisterhood. It exists because of these women… and because of you.
Global Sisterhood and Circle Initiation are spaces I created where we gather together and take off our masks. Here, we get real, heal, and become the leaders and teachers of a balanced and just world.
+ What's the time investment?
We recommended allowing 2-3 hours a week for 7 weeks to complete the course! You can take the course at your own pace if a conflicting event arises. All of our video sessions will be recorded. That’s the beauty of an online class!
+ Will this course be available next year?
We are offering this course for the second time and not sure when we’ll be offering it again. We encourage you to take the leap! Confront your edge and GROW into the woman you are meant to be. Don’t let fear stop you.