Called to Rise Event Recording

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 Please Note:

Our recording on Zoom did not record Full Screen, this partial screen view is the best recording we have. If you listen, it is a beautiful experience and we hope what you need to see on screen you are able to.

In solidarity and sisterhood,

Lauren and Shaina

Founders of Global Sisterhood


On October 19th, 2020...

Get Certified to Start, Lead, and Grow a Women’s Circle in Your Community


Dear Sister

Thank you for your courage in this time of massive global transformation.

In times like these, we must rise.

Do you feel called to help others heal and awaken?

Are you ready to become a catalyst for positive global change?

Welcome to the Global Sisterhood. We are a movement of soulful women who are doing our inner-work and supporting each other rise into our power through in-person and virtual women’s circles all over the world.

You are most welcome here!

My name is Lauren Elizabeth, Founder of the Global Sisterhood, and this is Shaina, my co-founder. Right now our hearts are overflowing with joy to share with you our online program for new paradigm feminine leaders:

Our Women’s Circle Facilitator Training and Certification Program, Circle Initiation.


Circle Initiation

Is a deep initiation into your feminine power — An opportunity to transmute old stories and fears, so you can own your gifts that can heal, inspire, and awaken others.

It’s 7-week healing experience, certification, sisterhood immersion, and immersive gateway into a new, more inspired life of service and connection with a higher purpose.


We designed the Circle Initiation program specifically for women who… 

  • Are feeling the intensity of the world and are looking to become more balanced and strong for their family and community.

  • Live life more connected to the earth and in flow with the cycles of nature

  • Awaken to their unique healing gifts

  • Break through old, stagnant ways of being and rise into the powerful, embodied, mystical woman they feel they truly are.

  • Crave deep and authentic transformational experiences with your community, but haven’t found the right facilitator. You know it’s time you step up and create that space yourself.

  • Want to increase their confidence so they can manifest the call of your soul into reality 

  • Birth new feminine leadership models

  • Create and foster friendships and relationships that have depth and intimacy… with people who give as much as you do!

  • Help women rise into their power so we can create in service to the world.

  • Long to lead with their intuition and heart. You feel a new type of intuitive leadership is needed to usher us into a new paradigm.


Do You Feel a Restless Stirring in Your Soul That is Calling You into Bigger and More Enriching Purpose?


A call that feels both beautiful… and frustrating. 

Beautiful because of the vision you know is possible for your life… 

And frustrating because what you’ve been able to create in your life doesn’t match the vision you have. 

And yet… even though you know you are here to play a role in shaping our collective future, 

You find yourself stunted by doubt, fear, and confusion. 

Do you ever wonder, “How do I share my gifts? Can I really make an impact? Am I ready?”

Sister, I get it… and you are not alone. 

Millions of women around the world are going through the same process as you.  

It was certainly my own personal experience before I discovered how to awaken my feminine power within women’s circles. 

Once I started to lead women’s circles, everything changed. 

You see, the typical leadership model has been masculine. But, we women really lead best when done the feminine way.

I had been working on myself for years, and did my best to give and share light wherever I went. I felt a calling inside my heart to serve... but I couldn’t channel my gifts into something bigger than myself because I didn’t full understand how to be in my feminine power. .

It wasn’t until I was initiated into the art and practice of women circle facilitation that I began to fully embody my gifts… 

From that moment on, I was able to create a sacred space for connection and realness. I trusted myself to be a channel that could guide the energy of the group to create insights and healings for other members.

Learning how to facilitate women’s circles changed my life. 

I grew into a confident, empowered woman living life on my own terms… I learned to stand in truth and walk my own unique path. I learned to use my voice, share my truth, and lead the feminine way. 

With the power of the feminine awakened within me, I became magnetic. Opportunities knocked on my door seemingly “by chance.” 

And the best part was my Circle became my trusted sisterhood.

I had created a space where women felt heard and seen, and in return, they saw and held me. I didn’t have to be perfect… I just had to be myself. 

Through my circle, my loneliness and isolation were replaced with nourishing connections that helped me love myself. I healed deep wounds that I didn’t even know needed to be healed. 

Sister, if you ever catch yourself thinking, “What do I have to give in these times?!” 

All I want you to know is the art of holding deep, transformational space for many people can be taught!

You can help people heal and awaken!

Through our work with the Global Sisterhood, we’ve re-ignited the Women’s Circle movement for the modern era.  We have now trained and inspired more than 15,000 women to lead circles in 100 countries. 

Our mission is to help women like you embody your power and your feminine leadership… so you can follow the deep calling in your soul to help other women awaken. 

Why? Because… 


The world needs the medicine of the feminine to restore balance to our world. 


The wise women of history who gathered in circles were healers, community leaders, mystics, priestesses, activators, catalyzers, and medicine women… these same women were often labeled as “witches” and burned at the stake… but why?

Because they held knowledge that could dismantle patriarchal rule. Our intuition, our mystical wisdom, and our connection to the earth was persecuted. 

Why? Because they were afraid.  They couldn’t understand. 
So they labeled the power of the feminine as crazy, destructive, erratic, and “less than”. 

This mindset is the ROOT cause of women today doubting their gifts and worth. It is the root cause of women consciously or subconsciously feeling “less than” or “not enough.” But unlike the women living during the times of witch-burning, we have more options. We don’t have to go underground and hide our wisdom and healing practices anymore.

We don’t have to buy into the dominant patriarchal system’s belief that we (and our magic) are dangerous, sinful, and inferior… 

Our feminine power was covered by a veil… obscuring our voices and our innate wisdom for centuries…

Until now.


Today, women are gathering together all over the world to heal ourselves from patriarchal programming and wounding. It’s up to us to help birth a more sustainable, equal, and harmonious world.


Women all over the world are gathering together to rewrite the narrative and shift the patriarchal paradigm for all life. We are going out into the world knowing and owning our true feminine power. And not just for women, but for the future of the planet and the future of humanity.

How are women all over the world awakening and reclaiming our power?

Through leading and participating in the ancient rite of The Women’s Circle.


 Through Women’s Circles you can… 

  • Heal your intergenerational feminine wounding and re-pattern your mind from socialized patriarchal world views… views that keep you locked into feeling unworthy or not enough.

  • Replenish your soul and grow your intuitive gifts so you can fill your cup and trust in your inner wisdom.

  • Awaken your sensuality and zest for life, so you come into right alignment and manifest what your heart desires.

  • Free your voice so you can learn to speak what you desire and need, say no, and feel fully comfortable sharing your truth with others.

  • Explore the depths of your feminine power and rise into a new-paradigm-leader sharing your light with the world.

  • Launch, build, and grow a business… whether it’s coaching, yoga, or other healing modality. 


If to help heal, awaken, and inspire women is part of your life’s calling, I am pleased to introduce…



The Global Sisterhood's Official Online Facilitator Certification. A 7-Week Virtual Training to Learn the Ancient Art of Leading Women’s Circles.


Circle Initiation


The Circle Initiation is MORE than just a course…


It’s an initiation into a whole new way of using your feminine gifts to create a more inspired life for yourself and others.

You will learn how to use your natural gifts to create a sacred space where true transformation is possible.

We will teach you the art of facilitation and how to embody your feminine essence in a way that increases your magnetism and ability to be the leader you are meant to be.

Our modules are a mixture of Videos, Guided Meditations, Live Calls, a private Facebook group with the participating facilitators with live conversations each day, and plenty of resources, worksheets, rituals, and other guidance practices.

You can expect around 3 hours of work each week, for some women it takes longer.




Week by Week

You’ll receive in-depth audio lessons and exercises, live trainings on zoom with the cohort, comprehensive resource materials, meditations and rituals that will transform you… to the core.


All Modules Include: A live group coaching call, comprehensive guided audio lessons, a transformational meditation, a ritual practice, video lessons and more!

Circle Initiation will take 3 hours a week to complete in 7 weeks. You will have up to 6 months to complete and get your Global Sisterhoood Certification.


The Global Reclaiming of the Feminine

  • History of feminine oppression and why ancient practice of  circles are reemerging

  • Moon Magic 101:  why we gather on the moon and the power of ritual

  • Powerful technique to find and embody your “why” so you can rise as a new-paradigm feminine leader

  • Manifesting a new world for yourself and others



Heal the Shadows of Sisterhood

  • Forgive the wounds of sisterhood: of comparison, competition, and betrayal 

  • Owning your darkness and bringing it into the light

  • Communication tools to hold space for women to be authentic and vulnerable together 

  • Initiation into the sacred sisterhood pledge as a leader of this movement helping women feel safe, seen, and heard



The Alchemy of the Circle   

  • Creating a safe-container for a transformative experience of revelation, inspiration and healing

  • The art of facilitating a group of women through a process of renewal and awakening -- all the magic-making without the woo

  • Bundles of rituals, circle songs, and tools to use in your circle



The Art of Ritual

  • How to create a ritual

  • How to be guided by your higher-self in the process of ritual and circle

  • Master altar making and mood setting

  • Hold sacred space with powerful energetic boundaries for transformation



Embodied Feminine Leadership

  • Direct the energy of conversations for empowered outcomes in any area of your life, work, relationships and circle

  • Guide women through their emotions and triggers through your presence and feminine embodiment 

  • Feminine Leadership vs. Masculine Leadership and how to find balance



Come Out of the Spiritual Closet and Let Yourself Be Seen

  • Own your personal gifts and strengths

  • Overcoming fear of rejection and judgment

  • How to channel wisdom and live your life as an intuitive leader


Launch and Grow Your Circle, Baby!

  • Step by step instructions on how to launch and grow your circle

  • Exclusive marketing copy templates, graphic template and ready made marketing tools

  • Certification and initiation into our community of facilitators


Reserve Your Seat

Spots Are Limited

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Here’s What Women Are Saying… 



Circle Initiation takes 7 weeks to complete. Each week new lessons will be added to your content portal in the form of video teachings, guided audio lessons, rituals, and guided worksheets to assist you. Each week you will have a live group coaching call with the entire cohort of women around the world and access to the Global Sisterhood team and members through our community Facebook group.



Each week you will receive transformational and interactive lessons. Your workload will be about 3 hours each week. You will be guided and supported through community group calls, worksheets, rituals, audio lessons and transformational meditations and teachings. 


Personal Leadership Training:

Each week on the call and through the modules you will receive direct attention from Lauren and Shaina to support you in becoming the leader you are meant to be.



Grow, elevate, and be held by badass women all over the world in our Circle Initiation Facebook Community. This is the most sacred and impactful part of the journey. Having a community of women ready to share their soul gifts and support each other is priceless.


Marketing Toolkit:

Grow your circle and your facilitation skills with a robust set of rituals, circle songs, and activities to do within your circle, as well as a professional toolkit for marketing and sustaining your circle. 


Here’s How to Join the 7-Week Circle Initiation Program

Select to pay in full or in three payments below! Once you enroll, you’ll receive a welcome email with next steps!

Space is limited, we recommend signing up early!


Save $90








Feel free to email support@globalsisterhood.org with questions, we’re happy to help!


+ Where does the course take place?

The course takes place online and will be held in our virtual classroom and through our Circle Initiation Facebook group. You can take this course from anywhere you get internet access and we will be dripping out the course content every week for seven weeks. Our virtual course is open to everyone in our global community.

+ Why should I get trained by Global Sisterhood?

For the last five years Global Sisterhood has spearheaded the reemergence of women’s circles. Through our global movement in over 100 countries, women have felt the call to lead in order to transform the feminine imbalance in our world.

If you feel resonate with our messages, you should be trained by us. We believe we should all trust our intuition and this is no exception.

Going through this Intiation will open intense healing passages for you, transformative experiences, and open expansive new views of reality. As a Global Sisterhood we are here to support you during this process, but to also allow you to open up to the guiding inner-voice within each of us.

Global Sisterhood is a movement centered around transformation. We are about going deep, doing healing work, and transforming cultural, familial, and societal wounding so we can rise as new paradigm leaders inspiring growth and awakening wherever we go.

+ I’m not sure I can afford this right now

Our intention with this course is to give you new skill sets that will help you build your business and community in whatever field you are in. We will teach you how to generate income from your course, creating a new stream of revenue around your passion. We feel this is a win-win!

We offer payment plans to lessen the upfront costs.

We have limited scholarships available to women who have shown a commitment to our movement and are located in countries with poor exchange rates with the US dollar. Please email us at support@globalsisterhood.org to get in touch about this opportunity.

+ I'm not sure I'm ready to lead a women’s circle...

That is exactly why we made this course, so no worries! This experience will do SO much more than get you prepared to lead a women circle. It will give you the foundation, confidence, and expertise to go into any setting to be a powerful, grounded, graceful presence that guides energy to empowered outcomes.

+ What is a women’s circle, and why would I want to lead one?

A women’s circle is a gathering for women to feel safe, heard and seen in the presence of sisterhood. It’s an ancient practice that is having a resurgence in modern culture. A circle doesn’t have to look a certain way, it can be an intimate gathering at your house or a larger experience at a yoga studio. Creating a transformational experience is more of an art than a science and we have inspired and taught over 15,000 women this sacred practice.

Leading a women’s circle is a way to step into your power, to leave behind feelings that you aren’t a leader, or that you can’t be seen. Leading a women’s circle is not about being the “best”, or the most informed. Being a facilitator is about being authentic, sitting as equals with other women, and creating a container by being your most-authentic-self for other women to do the same.

+ I have never been to a women’s circle...

This program is for both regular-moon-circle-participants and first-timers! We will share with you everything you’ll need to know to start one. You’ll get to learn from the Founder of Global Sisterhood Lauren Walsh and a network of global facilitators on their biggest learnings, best rituals, songs and meditations, and transformational content.

+ Who is Lauren Walsh?

Hey, I’m Lauren and will be leading you through this Circle Initiation Course.

Growing up, I felt I didn’t belong. I doubted my worth, hated my body, and deeply struggled with relationships. In my early 20’s, I sought healing and deeper meaning by walking a spiritual path. Through this, I found sisterhood -- the type of sisters that are willing to fully see you and go deep with you. This rapidly changed my life.

Since then, I have led women’s circles, coached, and guided transformational experiences for the past 11 years. Global Sisterhood is a reflection of my journey. It exists because millions of women like me are waking up, doing our inner work, and cultivating sisterhood. It exists because of these women… and because of you.

Global Sisterhood and Circle Initiation are spaces I created where we gather together and take off our masks. Here, we get real, heal, and become the leaders and teachers of a balanced and just world.

+ What's the time investment?

We recommended allowing 2-3 hours a week for 7 weeks to complete the course! You can take the course at your own pace if a conflicting event arises. All of our video sessions will be recorded. That’s the beauty of an online class!

+ Will this course be available next year?

We are offering this course for the second time and not sure when we’ll be offering it again. We encourage you to take the leap! Confront your edge and GROW into the woman you are meant to be. Don’t let fear stop you.



What You’ll Receive with the Circle Initiation Certification


An official Global Sisterhood facilitator certificate.


On-going support from the Global Sisterhood community and marketing tools to grow your circle.


A certified logo added to your circle page on our world-wide member map.


25% off your HerCIRCLE membership to unlock a year full of tools.