Virgo: The Virgin

August 23 - September 22


Virgo is an Earth Sign. Its ruling planet is Mercury, the Roman messenger god and the planet of communication.


Positive traits: Detailed, efficient, helpful, honest, logical, noble, discerning, selfless, practical, gentle, committed

Negative traits: Perfectionist, anxious, worrisome, overcritical, inflexible


Virgos are some of the most pure-hearted and well-intentioned people around, and if they could, they would have a detail-oriented plan of how to share their goodness with the world. They are incredibly practical, logical people who organize information and problem-solve without even trying. It is in their nature to always want to help -- they are gentle and kind people who love supporting friends and loved ones with their honest, earnest hearts.

Virgos have the tendency to be efficient perfectionists and they can build upon anything to make it better. However, this can sometimes manifest as being too picky, critical, or worrisome -- especially when others don't share their same vision of how to get something done. Overall, Virgos are deeply committed, practical, and diligent people who have the wonderful gift of a discerning and pure heart.

About the new moon in Virgo:

The Virgo new moon is an important time to reflect upon where we currently are and take stock of our lives. Its energy invites you to hold the intention of grounded, practical, firm foundations as you step into your sovereignty, release all that is untrue to you, and move forward with an inner-knowing of what you wish to create and bring into form in your life.

This is a wonderful time to re-evaluate where you are placing your energy and what creations are still speaking to you — and which aren’t. If there is anything that has been draining your energy, keeping you in cycles of codependency, or scattering your attention, it's time to refocus, re-organize, and move forward with a renewed sense of clarity and direction, both practically and energetically. It's also imperative to remember that Virgo is a sign that has a tendency to criticize -- so don’t be too tight or overly critical of where you are.

This is especially important for us women on the path of self-growth because we are often our own worst critics, and at times this criticism can be projected onto others. Take deep breaths as you step into your self-responsibility and break patterns in a light-hearted way this new moon. To do this healing work for the new moon in Virgo, find a Sister Circle near you.